Friday, 1 September 2017

The Immaculate School Kid Empowerment Program

The Immaculate School Kid Empowerment Program MANNERS AND ETIQUETTE FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Defining Manners Some proverbs, Manners cost us nothing; yet, earn us respect when we use them. "Manners maketh the man," is a phrase not used much these days. The basics of etiquette have been largely forgotten by the younger generation. Manners and Etiquette are what distinguish us from the apes (and a good many of our fellow human beings too). Good mannerisms Definition Manners are polite behaviours that reflect an attitude of consideration, kindness and respect for others. I am sure you would have been taught how to make proper introductions, but a kind person knows better than to belittle or embarrass another person in public or private. A well-mannered person also remembers to say “Please” and “Thank you” and refrains from interrupting others in the middle of a conversation. Activity - An example of Bad Manners (for older kids) Ask two participants to read, During one of the training programs in Soft skills, a trainer trying to teach good manners to a bunch of students, asked them following question: "Michael, if you were on a date having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?" Michael said, "Just a minute I have to go pee." The teacher responded by saying, "That would be rude and impolite. What about you Peter, how would you say it?" Peter said, "I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." "That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word bathroom at the dinner table. And you, Johnny, can you use your brain for once and show us your good manners?" I would say: "Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope you'll get to meet after dinner." Now here’s a lie. But one could always say. "Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? I ll be right back.” Etiquette Definition Etiquette is a code of polite conduct based on social acceptance and efficiency. With the same logic as traffic laws that ensure smooth transportation flow and prevent collisions, so there are societal rules designed to facilitate positive human exchanges and reduce conflict. When you know the rules of etiquette for any given situation, ( 3 C’S ) it increases your comfort, confidence and competence, and by extension, the ease and comfort of people around you. General Manners and etiquette kids should know by age 9 When asking for something, say "Please." When receiving something, say "Thank you." In the age of e-mail, a handwritten thank-you note can have a powerful effect. Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking. If you do need to get somebody's attention right away, the phrase "excuse me" is the most polite way for you to enter the conversation. When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later. The world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults. Do not comment on other people's physical characteristics unless, of course, it's to compliment them, which is always welcome. When people ask you how you are, tell them and then ask them how they are. When you have spent time at your friend's house, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for the good time you had. Knock on closed doors -- and wait to see if there's a response -- before entering. When you make a phone call, introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak to the person you want. When you attend a phone call always ask who is speaking at the other end and who they want to speak to. Refrain from using foul language and don’t call people by mean names. Do not make fun of anyone for any reason. Teasing shows others you are weak, and ganging up on someone else is cruel. Even if a play or an assembly/class is boring, sit through it quietly and pretend that you are interested. The performers and presenters and teachers are doing their best. If you bump into somebody, immediately say "Excuse me." Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and don't pick your nose in public. As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else. If you come across a parent, a teacher, or a neighbor working on something, ask if you can help. If they say "yes," do so -- you may learn something new. Always ask permission when you want to borrow something and please return what you borrow. Never touch things in the showcase when you visit your friend’s/relatives house. Put things back in place and leave the bathroom, toilet and kitchen and TV room clean and tidy. Don’t leave your dirty dishes around the house. Don’t discuss your family’s private affairs with your friends and don’t embarrass or say anything bad about your family to your friends. Don’t peek into people’s private diaries or poke your nose into their affairs. When an adult asks you for a favor, do it without grumbling and with a smile. Pack your own bags. Clean your shoes and wear them on your own. Always wash your hands before and after a meal and eat only at the dining table. Don’t talk with your mouth full. Use eating utensils properly. If you are unsure how to do so, ask your parents to teach you or watch what adults do. Keep a napkin on your lap or wear it around your neck when you eat; use it to wipe your mouth when necessary. Don't reach for things at the table; ask to have them passed. Bedtime must be strictly observed. School Etiquette School Etiquette advocates standards of acceptable behaviour by children in various situations at school. You must co-operate with and show respect for their teachers, all adults and the other children. School Etiquette - Students You will remember and talk about these days for the rest of your life. Use them to develop your strength of character, your integrity, your knowledge and your skills to the best of your ability: Be punctual. Be on time for the assembly and stand at attention when the National Anthem is played. Involve yourself in the prayer song. Prayer builds confidence and protects. Obey the school rules. Be respectful to the teachers and staff. Tell the truth - always. It takes courage to tell the truth. Cowards tell lies out of fear. Respect everyone’s rights. Don't litter the school grounds. Don't mess the toilets. If you do, clean it up. Don’t bully. Prevent bullying. Report bullying. Don’t graffiti or vandalise property. Report graffiti offences being committed. Be respectful of public and private property. Don’t steal from anyone. School Etiquette - Class Room Stand up and wish your teacher when she enters the class. Don’t give her nicknames. Pay attention to the teacher. Don’t talk while the teacher is talking. Listen and take notes. Don’t be noisy or disrupt the class. Co-operate with the other kids. Do immediately what the teacher asks you to do. Do not answer back. Keep your bags and notebooks neat and tidy. Don’t snatch anything from anyone. Don’t pass around secret notes or whisper or chat or when someone is addressing you. Pick up your own litter and dispose in dustbins inside the classroom and around the school. School Etiquette - Uniforms Walk tall and wear your uniform with pride. You are a representative of your school. Give a good account of yourself. No uniform? Abide by the school’s dress code. Sloppy dress impresses nobody and is not cool!. School Etiquette - Playground and school premises Have fun by all means but not at the expense of any other kids. Keep it safe and happy for all by not throwing hard or sharp objects that could injure someone, possibly for life. Don’t fight, pull, push or shove or bully anyone. Watch for bullies and report them and prevent bullying if you are able to. Similarly, don’t gang up against anyone. Don't litter the playground. Don’t smoke or do drugs. It’s gross and will slowly (sometimes quickly) damage your body. School Etiquette - Sports & Sports Field Be competitive, play hard but play fair. Always remember that it’s only an activity. To win by foul means is a hollow victory: Do your best. Never get into a fight. Apologise immediately if you make a mistake. Accept an apology with goodwill. Don’t spit on anyone, the grounds or anywhere. Be a good loser. Someone has to lose. Show good sportsmanship. It’s only a game. On the sports field thank the opposing team by shaking hands and saying “Well done!”. School Etiquette – Public/private transport or public places You are an ambassador of your school, especially if you are in school uniform, your behaviour must be exemplary. Transport officials and other passengers must not be disturbed or offended by your behaviour: Be respectful to everyone, especially adults. Give up your seat for an adult, especially for an old person, a handicapped person or pregnant women. Not only is it good manners and etiquette but bear in mind that one day you too will be old and frail. Sitting with your feet up on the seats is a sloppy and disgusting habit, people have to sit there and obviously the soles of your shoes really are very dirty. Eating on public transport is messy and not necessary, the smell of chip, cutlets,samosas etc., can be quite stomach churning to other passengers. Don’t spit.. Turn off your mobile phone, I'm sure the rest of the passengers are not interested in your personal business. Turn down your portable music, it is very irritating to hear that scratchy sound blasting continuously. Use headphones or earphones. Dispose your garbage in a bin, imagine if everybody just scattered their rubbish throughout the streets. When in a group, try to keep your voices down and behavior less boisterous, people around you may be having a bad day, or feeling ill, it is called consideration as well as good manners. No rowdiness, pushing, fighting or yelling. No foul language; no swearing. Avoid obstructing doors and aisles. Step aside to allow passengers to pass without being asked to do so. Don’t gang up on kids from other schools. Keep inter-school rivalry for organised inter-school competitions. Don’t graffiti or vandalise public property anywhere. Manners and etiquette when meeting and greeting guests: Open the door and invite the guests in, smile and be welcoming. If you are a boy, it is good manners and masculine to shake hands with the adult males. Either take the guests coats (and please don't just bundle them up!) or if you prefer, show them where they can leave belongings. If it is the grandparents visiting, perhaps a hug and kiss would be nice. Depends on what is expected. It is good manners and etiquette for children and teenagers to be respectful and not 'smart mouth' adults when they are greeted, especially when they are asked questions about what's happening in their life. Just answer politely and excuse yourself as soon as it is polite to do so, that is if you feel you don't want to answer or are too shy to talk anymore. If you have a friend staying over, introduce your friend to the visitors don't just leave them standing there like a spare part. Being a Guest It is equally important to have good manners and know what is the proper etiquette when you are a guest in someone's home.I am sure you practice most of these guidelines yourself, but just to refresh your memory from that wonderful imaginary book called 'Manners and Etiquette for Children': Don't go visiting unless you are invited or you have phoned to see if it is convenient. Permission from both your parents and your friend's parents is a must especially if you want to stay overnight. Never assume you can stay as long as you please. Let your friend's parents know exactly when you will be leaving and how you will be getting home. Always get stuck in and help, don't wait to be asked and don't expect to be waited on. Make up your bed, tidy the room, keep your belongings out of the way and it goes without saying, leave the bathroom spotless!. Remember your good manners and etiquette will not go unnoticed and will be a reflection of the quality and standards of your upbringing and your parents. Be sure to say, "Thank you" when you leave. Reciprocate by inviting your friend to your house sometime in the future (social skills and table manners for children) (manners and etiquette for children). (Free Etiquette Lesson for Kids & Teens). (Good Habits For Children | Good Habits and Manners For Kids In English). (Bad habits to be avoided). (funny peppa pig video for kids). (story on manners).

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